Posted by Happy Homemaker UK

I recently saw on BBC News that the government is encouraging cities to remove unnecessary signs to declutter towns  to ensure town character. I am delighted that visual aesthetics is important on a national level. I'm in the land of very few billboards - LOVE THAT!

A snapshot of interesting signs...

Quaint fingerposts

Public Footpaths traverse a lot of beautiful land 
and make for popular hiking spots

I don't think the graphics on this one would 'fly' in the US

With only a 33% pass rate for the UK driving test, I'll definitely enroll in driving school. I have one year to pass the test. 

And if I'm not mistaken, the speed limit on the highway cleverly changes on electronic signs, depending on traffic & road conditions.

Look! They captured my kids running late to school!

I can use whatever help I can get...

What symbol would you design to indicate 'no cutting in line'?

In the front row of the grocery store parking lot

My husband assures me that everyone knows what 'alight' means at the train station. I thought it meant 'no smoking', but he assures me it means 'don't disembark'. I'm still not convinced he's right.

Beautifully tiled sign in tube station. 
Who knew colors tan and mint could look so good together?!

A re-post, but I love what is behind the 'private' gate in 
this community garden.

Have a wonderful week!

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